Kowing how to seduce a person is manipulationWarning and Disclaimers: ======================== Emotional Behavior is contrary to Rational Behavior. After reading and practicing the tricks there might be changes in your character and it could be that you will never be like before! The author teaches practics how to flirt in a rational way. Readers who follow these practices could gain a lot of success in flirting and secucing, however, they might get adicted to this and loose the emotional feelings. Emotions of fear, shyness, exciting and many other things normally support the feeling of love which could be poetically be described as a hurricane with ups and downs and emotions like frustration and happieness. Getting used to practicing rational flirting, the reader could lose his dreams and believes in true love! Male readers could maybe know how to seduce girls but maybe never be able to fall in love with a girl again! This might happen as consequence of learning how one can manipulate erotic feelings of a woman with the logic witness of rational acting according to rules. I say it again: Emotional Behavior is contrary to Rational Behavior. Continuing reading, reader accepts to take the mentioned risks and all consequences which might arise out of changed behavior and won or lost whatever feelings, emotions, or character and economic changes. All that reader does after having read these pages he will do on his own risk! The author does not take any responsibility for newly won or lost feelings or whatever will happen to you, especially not for psychologic changes in reader's character or economic changes because of divorces or marrying a millionaire. Divorces might happen to married persons who read this tricks of flirting because they want to have a sexual adventure besides their marriage. As a concequece of having success based on practicing these tricks, a married person could overthink marriage and start having sex with many various partners and end up as advanced sex-maniac which never wants to go back to normal life which is by general society is meant to be staying within a marriage of 2 true people living in harmony and rising children according to the law of the countries that with all rationality has created rules and laws, trying to rule and protect people who signed marriage contracts beeing under influence of emotions, widely known as LOVE. Marrying a millionaire might change readers life totally, it will have effect on his economic situation and even worse, his character. Author will not take any responsibility for this, however he will be greatful if he would receive an extra donation by someone who always wanted this changes in his life and could get it with the rational rules of flirting and seduction, published by the Autor, webmaster and and domain-owner as registered at DENIC. Manipulation could be dangerous to people who do not want to change their lives! This applies to the person which is manipulated and to the person which uses techniques of manipulation. Women are protected against seduction by their ancient destination to be very selective when a man approches her. The Author explains some of nature´s rules how women select men. The Author recommends to read books about this, written by scientists. The Author only describes generally know how with his own words. The Author recommends to read books about manipulation and how to protect oneself against it and how to practice it, as manipulation is a thing that happens everyday in everybodys life. Recommendation is given to male and female readers. As a consequence of long before existing public availability of a lot of books about relationships between men and women, about better selling, flirting, making love and how to manipulate and protect oneself against manipulation, author rejects any complaint of any woman which might have the idea to hold author harmful because she was seduced by a man which might have used know how published on these websites. Remember: No trick will work, if the trick is known as a trick. No woman will ever go to a bed with a man if she does not want to. If female reader thinks she must know the tricks, please feel free to pay and read them, as male readers do. Same right for everybody.
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